Sorry for the long delay since the last post. Things have continued to go great with my trial.
Since I'm nearing the end of my 30 day trial, I figured it was time to try out the Audiologist's advice and get a little wet :)
My family headed out for a nice long weekend that included swimming at a big pool and then floating a local river in tubes.
The swimming went just fine. I didn't go diving or intentionally put my head under the water, but I got plenty wet. No problems at all.
The next day I laid down in my tube and floated the river with the family 3 times. This river has some pretty good little rapids and you end up getting soaked many times. I got drenched and went under a little getting sprayed right in the ear with water. The first two times when just fine, and then 1/2 way down the last run I got a pretty good soaking my right Lyric stopped working. My hearing was pretty much out for that side as it seemed to convert into an ear plug.
With one working ear, I decided to leave it in for a few hours just to see if it might drain itself. I'm pretty sure it just got really wet and I don't think I got water actually behind the aid itself.
After a few hours I decided to try my magnetic adjustment tool to see if I could get it to respond. Nothing. About 3 hours later I tried the adjustment tool once again and to my surprise, it beeped and turned on! I was really happy to see that they must have dried out on their own. I adjusted the volume back to normal settings and by the next morning things were pretty much back to normal.
Next week I have another day on the lake planned with lots of swimming involved. I'm going to try and put them to the test again just to see what will happen. I'll keep you posted.