Monday, August 25, 2008

Purchased the Lyrics

First off, sorry for the long delay on my last post. I've been holding off until I could get some time to write up a nice detailed report. But I guess that defeats the purpose of a blog anyway. I'm going to try to start posting shorter and more frequently to keep everyone up to date.

If you've been following along, you'll see that my trail had gone really well, so the purchase really came down to evaluating the benefit to the cost. I had a good chunk allocated in my flexible spending this year in anticipation of doing something, so I pulled that all out and didn't end up needing to take too much out of pocket.

My audiologist worked with the engineers on a few of my complaints and we ended up making an adjustment on the low frequency cut setting. This setting basically controls how low frequency sounds are amplified. I believe the default setting is 500 Hz which means that sounds below 500 Hz aren't amplified. We moved the setting up to 800 and I immediately noticed a difference in less background noise. I followed up with another visit last week and moved it up to 1200 and am even happier. Road noise in the car is almost completely gone at this point.

So far, I'm very happy with the decision.

Since then, my left hearing aid finally went out. This was an original. It basically just died one morning which was at 45 days. I was hoping that they would last longer, so we'll see if this is normal.


Jaime said...

Just started my Day 1 trial today, seems to be fine for now... Let me know if you'd like my comments about my experience here.

Dane said...

Hi Jaime.

I'd love to have your results posted to blog. Getting info from others would be very helpful. I'm 7 months tomorrow and couldn't be happier!

Wordsurfer said...

Not overstating to say Lyric changed my life:

invisibility; saying goodbye to battery changes;leaving them in when I'm sleeping or showering. I'm a boater and classical music lover. Prior aids, Inteo, were simply terrible when in the wind, and there was sound distortion, resulting in lack of music harmonics. All these life quality issues make this product a major step forward for those of us with hearing loss.

Joyland said...

Thanks for all information.
I have small minor hearing problem never had H/A.
I am going to try Lyric.

PVDad said...

Hope you might continue to post...

Coming up on my one year renewal and could not be happier.

Lyric life seems to be no less than 7 weeks and no more then 12 weeks for me.

I leave them on 24 x 7 with minor adjustments as needed.

Wish the price would come down a bit..

Wordsurfer said...

udas, what is your experience as time progresses from 1-3 months? I've noticed that after a month, slight degradation starts, and it progresses to the point of shut-down. Before 3 months are over, I'm in need of a new set/

PVDad said...


My experience is similar. Do you leave them on 24 x 7?

Phil Larsen said...

I noticed you have not posted on your blog for a while. I would love know how it is going. Please consider giving an update. Thank you!

sfninerfan said...

yes, i too am quite curious about your progress over the last year.

dancilhoney said...
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Anonymous said...

Hearing Device

I think, it is very good information. Great article.

Susan said...

I have grandson who was born with some hearing loss. At 6 months he was fitted with standard hearing aids. They need to get new molds made quite frequently as he grows. Also the baby tends to fuss with them, so they can not be left in for periods when he sleeps, etc. Can you tell me if this is a product for children?

Dane said...

Hi Susan. I think the challenge for the kids is that they don't make them very small. I'd also be concerned about kids since they can be more prone to ear infections and these aren't great for people that struggle in that area. It's worth a call to the audiologist to see if it's possible though. Good luck!

Susan said...

Thanks Dane for the helpful post. I appreciate any information anyone might have.