Wednesday, January 6, 2010

InSound Purhased by Sonova

Just read the news that the company that makes the Lyric has been purchaged by Sonova, which also owns Phonak. You can read some details here: Reuters Article

Phonak was my favorite hearing aid company before I got the Lyrics, so I'm pretty happy to hear about this. I think Phonak has always been a real leader on the technology front with FM, Bluetooth, remotes, etc. I hope this infusion of cash into the company will allow them to grow and improve the Lyric.


Phil Larsen said...

Whatever it takes to get an office in Seattle...please, please, please!

Mike said...

Phil, what about Everett Wash. Looks pretty close to Seattle.
Hearing & Balance Lab, P.C. S
(425) 316-5102

Phil Larsen said...


You a genius. I have been checking every now and then. They must be pretty new. I double checked on the lyric site and sure enough, they are there.

I will give them a call. Thank you!

Mike said...

Does anyone know anyting about WOW hearing aids? Their product looks identcal to Lyric.

Brenda said...

I'm on day 6 of trying Lyrics hearing aids. I have never worn hearing aids before. I'm experiencing some of the same problems/difficulty's you have or had with your Lyrics. Could you please tell me if you still experiance these or how you and your audiologist fixed them.

1. Your own voice sounding weird - echoing and not being able to tell if your talking at the right volume?
2. Your own chewing is very loud, hard to hear what other people are saying.
3. Car noise if VERY loud.
4. As you mentioned they cut in and out as it adjust to different noise situations.
5. Restaurants are SO LOUD.
6. Like you I was told one ear was just fine and one ear just made it. Do you have more problems with the "just made it" ear?

Dane said...

Hey Brenda. Congrats on trying them out. Sounds like you are running into the pretty standard concerns. I'll try to give a brief reply to each. Most you'll just find that it takes time for your brain to get used to the difference. It took a few weeks before it was no longer "annoying", but a little longer before the differences really stopped being noticed.

1. Your own voice sounding weird - echoing and not being able to tell if your talking at the right volume?
DANE: This one just takes time. You'll notice this with any hearing aid, so it's an adjustment you'll have to make regardless. I thought my voice sounded awful! :)
2. Your own chewing is very loud, hard to hear what other people are saying.
DANE: This is another common one for any hearing aid. I subconsciously stop chewing when I'm trying to listen to someone talk, otherwise I can't hear much of anything. My wife asks why I eat so slow during dinner, but it's mainly because I don't eat when others are talking. It too gets better with time to some extent as far as being annoying, but it's always there.
3. Car noise if VERY loud.
DANE: This is one where my audiologist was able to make some adjustments to really help. Even so, I found that I didn't notice it after a few months.
4. As you mentioned they cut in and out as it adjust to different noise situations.
DANE: Another adjustment is available on the lyrics that will help adjust the sensitivity I believe. I would ask your audiologist about this one for sure. The new ones are much better than the old ones in this regard, but they are still an analog device that is switching programs as needed to compensate. To an extent, you get used to this one also over time. I rarely notice this happening anymore after some changes were made.
5. Restaurants are SO LOUD.
DANE: I would try turning them down for the first few weeks in these louder situations until your brain can get used to the difference. I remember one restaurant in particular that was just painful to eat at right after I got these new ones. Now 6 months later I went and ate at the same place and didn't notice it at all. I can tell that it is really noisy, but it isn't painful noise like I experienced during my first visit.
6. Like you I was told one ear was just fine and one ear just made it. Do you have more problems with the "just made it" ear?
DANE: No problems really. We eventually did end up seating both of my devices 1 level deeper as they tended to creep out just a bit over a couple of months. This also decreased my issues with #1 and increased the volume a little bit. My last set was replaced last Friday after 84 days of constant use. I don't even bother to put them to sleep or anything at night anymore as it seems to only hurt the battery life and not help.

Keep the questions coming and feel free to shoot me an email if you want to take it offline.

Best regards,


Phil Larsen said...

I went into Seattle and had them fitted on Saturday (two days ago).

Brenda, in one ear they did not put it in far enough, and when I talked I did not like hearing my own voice "through my body". On the left ear, where they did put it in far enough, I did not hear my own voice "through my body". Eating food was ok too.

Unfortunately, it hurt like heck.

It is a bit tricky, but they need to get past the cartilage that creates that "through the body" sound when you speak.

I must say, I am glad these lyrics sounded great for the few hours I had them. Alas, I am not a candidate. I live too far away and they could not get a good fit on the first try. The folks in Seattle are a class act though. Nicole is amazing. (Hearing & Balance Lab, P.C. S (425) 316-5102)

Since the Lyrics did not work out for me, I am going to try the new SUPER small hearing aid coming out in May from Starky. It goes deep into the ear like the Lyrics. Should be good.

Dane said...

Hey Phil.

Keep us posted on the new Starkeys. I hear they are pretty slick!

dancilhoney said...

Wow hearing aid is the invisible one. You don’t have to wear the bluetooth device around your neck which is a really nice feature. Wow Hearing Aids Needham MA

Michelle Pasinati said...

You are right, I agree with you, Phonak was my favorite hearing aid company before I got the Lyrics, so I'm pretty happy to hear about this. I think Phonak has always been a real leader on the technology front with FM, Bluetooth, remotes, etc.
hearing aids