Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 1

The ride home from the clinic in my truck seemed really noisy. I thought I was hearing static and the music from my stereo sounded awful. I’m worried that driving will again be a challenge. The Savia’s I have now do a great job canceling out the road noise, so it will be hard to go back to listening to that again.

I played around with the settings a little and found that having the volume at a 4 instead of a 5 sounds much better. There is less noise in the car and it still seems like I can hear fine.

I got home and showed them off to the family. It took my wife a minute of looking into my ear before she could finally see them. They’re impossible to notice unless you’re tugging and looking up into my ear. The kids were playing in the pool and I sat and watched the kids playing and noticed that I could hear them talking to each other very clearly. Despite the background noise of the kids and the A/C unit, I was able to carry on a conversation just fine with my wife and neighbor without even looking at their faces to read lips. Typically that has been a difficult situation hearing-wise.

The occlusion is pretty annoying. I feel really plugged up at this point and the sound of my own voice is pretty different. This will certainly take some getting used to.

I’m anxious to try these out sleeping. I’ve been warned that users often are sore in the morning from sleeping on their side. I’m going to try to force myself to sleep on my back until I get used to them. As I head to bed, I haven’t noticed any pain or unusual presser in my ears yet and I hope it stays that way.

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