Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 34 - Lots of dirt and lots of water

With the 30-day trial at the end, I'm going to get one last big event posted before I give my final summary. My audiologist called this morning, right on schedule and scheduled my follow-up for Wednesday afternoon. Guess it's time to make my decision.

I spent the last week at Scout camp which was filled with mountain biking, water skiing, swimming, cave exploration, etc. I had plenty of dirt, sweat, campfire smoke and water to go around during my week. After about 3 days of pretty solid trail riding in the dust, I noticed that the volume of my Lyrics wasn't quite what it used to be. I attribute it to just tons of gunk on the microphones, but I'm not familiar enough with the technical construction of the devices to say for sure. After struggling with a few conversations one evening, I decided to bump them up to volume level 5 over the 4 I was used to. This made a huge difference and really brought my hearing back to the level I was used to. This level drove me crazy when I left the audiologist originally, but seemed perfect now. I really think it must be compensating for some of the crud on the microphones that must have built up. I guess I'll know for sure when I get my first replacement set.

One other note, I ended up sleeping with the Lyrics turned on during my week at camp. It was reassuring to hear the sounds going on at night or to hear if the boys were up to their usual mischief. This is certainly one big benefit of the Lyrics. It was really neat to wake up to the sounds of the outdoors in the mornings.

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