Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 26 - Getting Wet!

Sorry for the long delay since the last post. Things have continued to go great with my trial.

Since I'm nearing the end of my 30 day trial, I figured it was time to try out the Audiologist's advice and get a little wet :)

My family headed out for a nice long weekend that included swimming at a big pool and then floating a local river in tubes.

The swimming went just fine. I didn't go diving or intentionally put my head under the water, but I got plenty wet. No problems at all.

The next day I laid down in my tube and floated the river with the family 3 times. This river has some pretty good little rapids and you end up getting soaked many times. I got drenched and went under a little getting sprayed right in the ear with water. The first two times when just fine, and then 1/2 way down the last run I got a pretty good soaking my right Lyric stopped working. My hearing was pretty much out for that side as it seemed to convert into an ear plug.

With one working ear, I decided to leave it in for a few hours just to see if it might drain itself. I'm pretty sure it just got really wet and I don't think I got water actually behind the aid itself.

After a few hours I decided to try my magnetic adjustment tool to see if I could get it to respond. Nothing. About 3 hours later I tried the adjustment tool once again and to my surprise, it beeped and turned on! I was really happy to see that they must have dried out on their own. I adjusted the volume back to normal settings and by the next morning things were pretty much back to normal.

Next week I have another day on the lake planned with lots of swimming involved. I'm going to try and put them to the test again just to see what will happen. I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for being our immersion-dummy!

Unknown said...

Your blog has been the most informative of all other sources! I would reaaly enjoy and learn from a continuing blog beyond the 30 days. First-hand info is the best. I am very disappointed with my first aids, GN resound air, which I've been usinf for about a year and a half. I just did not know enough to make a good decision during the trial period, so I kept them.

Thankls again for your wonderful observations, insights, and analysis.

Al Zimmerman

Dane said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm still testing and just got back from a week at scout camp. I'll get some more info posted soon.

Unknown said...

This is a very informative blog. I've been following this company for several years now, but haven't been able to do a trial or study because of my location. Where are you located?

Dane said...

c_hoffart, I'm located in northern Utah, so I've been lucky to have a place close by. I read recently that they are now agressivly rolling out to additional audiologists, but that one of the requirements is that they have an ENT on staff. That will really limit the offices since it seems like most Audiologists have independent private offices without an ENT. It will be the ones located in clinics that should get them first.

Good luck with your search and let me know if I can answer any other questions.

Unknown said...

I'm in Omaha, NE. The office I go to is owned by an ENT, so maybe I can have them contact InSound. It's good to hear feedback from someone in a similar situation to mine. I'm 33, have 1 child and 1 on the way, have hereditary hearing loss, and have been wearing hearing aids for about 6 years now. I'll continue to check back to see how everything goes for you. Thanks.... Chad

Stony - "Greg, RN" said...

Just found your blog. I've been test driving a pair of Lyrics for 10 days. I'm having a problem with the left one - it sounds like my ear is plugged with water, which really effects the sound of my own voice. It is slightly better when I turn the volume up. My Audiologist made some changes to the programming, but it won't go away. I can't make an accurate assessment of either of them due to this distraction. I'm working with my Audiologist to try and figure out the cause. I broke my left eardrum 20 years ago. It healed spontaneously, and my hearing returned to near normal at that time. The sound I hear now is very similar to what I was hearing when the eardrum was healing for a few weeks. I've been very careful not to sleep directly on my left ear, as it is sensitive when I feel the Lyric being pushed in closer to my eardrum. This feeling does not occur on the right. I know there are different diameter devices, but I wonder if they are also different lengths? If so, do I possibly need a shorter device so it is not as close to my eardrum? I've looked for published articles of the clinical trials hoping to find answers, without success. Any ideas? Thanks.

Dane said...

Hey Stony99.

It sounds like you either got some water on/in the microphone or water between the Lyric and your eardrum.

The first happens to me on occasion when in the pool or shower. I usually dries out within an hour or so and goes away. On one occasion when I got it really dunked it never came back and they just replaced it. The sound is pretty much like your ear is plugged up and does amplify your voice for what the microphone can still do. I'd guess that this is the problem.

If you somehow got water behind the device, I'd guess that the fitting wasn't quite right and maybe isn't large enough or placed deep enough to keep it from moving around. No water should be able to slip by under normal circumstances. Your audiologist may be able to pull the Lyric and see if any water drains out. Either way, it sounds like a replacement is in order.

To my knowledge, they don't make them in different lengths, only width, but I can ask my audiologist tomorrow. I have an appointment to replace my left lyric as it is starting to die after almost 90 days.

Let me know how it goes.

Stony - "Greg, RN" said...

Thanks! That's exactly what it sounds like . . . but it sounded that way as I walked out the door from the initial fitting. I had it replaced after 3 days for poor fit, and it sounded the same walking out the door. I described it to the staff as my ear sounding plugged with water, and now I've identified it as the same sound as when my broken eardrum was healing. It sounds like your Audiologist has a lot of experience with the Lyric, so if you get this in time - feel free to ask their opinion. Good luck with your "tune up". Thanks.

Stony - "Greg, RN" said...

Dane - I'd be curious also to know if your Audiologist recommends wearing just 1 Lyric if for some reason they can't wear them in both ears.